Do you know what to do if you’re injured? Today, we get answers straight from the source, Dr. Bart Gatz, who will help us understand what he calls the pain treatment pyramid.
The Pain Treatment Pyramid
When you first experience pain from an accident or injury, you may not initially realize the severity of it. As time passes through the next few hours and days, if it starts to become evident that there may be a more strenuous situation than you previously thought, it may help to think of your pain in a pyramid. Here’s how Dr. Gatz describes it.
→LEVEL 1: ““When someone mentions that they were injured in a personal injury accident, I start off by telling them to picture a pain treatment pyramid,” explains Dr. Gatz. The pyramid begins with NSAIDs—non-steroidal-anti-inflammatories such as Advil and Tylenol—and rest. Resting can often be the respite the body needs to heal and recover. With pain management help from over-the-counter medications, this should almost always be the first line of treatment.
→LEVEL 2: The next layer of the pyramid is a medical follow-up. “If the pain doesn’t alleviate, the second step of this pyramid would be to follow up with us by obtaining an Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) consultation,” says Dr. Gatz. This consultation will help determine the proper diagnosis in addition to the best course of treatment.
Proper diagnosis is a critical component to pain management and care. It is the foundation on which care plans are built. It is also worth mentioning that, according to Florida law, an EMC consultation may be required in order to receive the full scope of your insurance benefits. Learn more about EMC consultations here.
→LEVEL 3: This third and final step of the pyramid is where it’s time to consider ongoing care. “As a result of this consultation, the last step of this pyramid would be to further recommend chiropractic care or physical therapy to assist,” Dr. Gatz tells us. In addition to alleviating pain, the objective with this step is to facilitate quicker recovery to avoid potential surgery.
The Key To Lasting Relief
So are there any secrets to success when it comes to avoiding long-term pain? Dr. Gatz has one primary recommendation: Seek proper treatment right away. The sooner you’re seen, the sooner you can create a treatment plan and get on the road to recovery.
Here at AIPI, our goal is to simply provide the best quality care possible. From consultation to treatment plans to ongoing therapies, we are here to help you get the most appropriate treatment, and ultimately, help you get well.
If you have more questions about acute pain relief or what to do if you’re injured, reach out for a consultation any time.